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Tomioka Tessai (1836-1924) & Hôzan yaki
Hanaire - Vase, Landscape
Signed: ôite Rakutô (East Kyoto) Gogetsu'anTessai Gaishi
Seals: Tetsugai & Hôzan
Technique: Hôzanyaki, grey earthenware from Hyogu (west of Kyoto) with a blue, tetsu-e, iron oxyde decoration under translucent grey crackled glaze. Ø 15 x 33,5
Date: february 1921
Condition: fine

The inscription reads: 山可樵,水可渔,大夫招孚登車。
In the mountains you can chop wood, in the rivers one can fish.
The nobleman asks the fisherman to step into his wagon.

(the story of Jiang Ziya)
Du Fu's poems are like the paintings and Wang Wei's paintings are like poems;
Subtellity of poetry and painting by talents require a lot of headwork.

The kiln of Hôzan yaki used to be in Tajima, Toyooka in Hyogu province. It has been active from 1907 until 1955. They made porcelain from the rough clay which was found near the kiln.
